Which WordPress newsletter composers are compatible with fastpasswp?

fastpasswp works with Newsletter Glue and MailOptin.

Coming soon in you will be able to send auto login links from MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, and Mailerlite directly.

Which membership plugins are compatible?

fastpasswp is compatible with MemberPress, Paid Memberships Pro, Restrict Content Pro, Leaky Paywall, and Learn Dash.

Does this change my newsletter workflow?

No. You will continue to send as you normally do. Our fastpasswp plugin will automatically create special links for each WP user.

Is this secure?

Yes, fastpasswp is secure and safe to use. We only log subscribers in automatically from your newsletter links. Admin, editor, and author users do not get automatically logged-in. In addition, the newsletter auto-log in links expire after a certain time.

Start auto logging in your subscribers today!

Reduce your administrative emails with automatic login links for your subscribers. Get started today! Click any link in the newsletter and your WordPress subscribers will automatically be logged in. No more login hassles for your paid membership WordPress users.

1 site license



  • Auto login subscribers
  • Newsletter Glue integration
  • 13 email integrations including ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Sendy, Mailchimp, and MailerLite

Our support administrative emails dropped dramatically after implementing fastpasswp.

-Dan Bolton | Tea Journey Magazine

fastpasswp.com a PaywallProject company / © 2024